SEBTS Commencement - Thomas H. Graves May 15, 1982

  • Thomas H. Graves was Associate Professor of Philosophy of Religion. The service begins with a word of prayer (0:00:00-0:03:13). Two speakers deliver the Scripture reading from Deuteronomy 6:1-9 and 2 Corinthians 4:1-18 (0:03:14-0:08:15). President Randall Lolley welcomes everyone to the commencement service (0:08:16-0:11:37). The Associate of Divinity degrees are conferred (0:11:38-0:16:23). The Master of Religious Education degrees are conferred (0:16:24-0:18:36). The Master of Divinity degrees are conferred (0:18:37-0:37:00). The Master of Theology degrees are conferred (0:37:01-0:39:31). The Doctor of Ministry degrees are conferred (0:39:32-0:42:11). Lolley introduces Thomas H. Graves as the commencement speaker (0:42:12-0:42:26). Graves speaks about the culture of death in the modern age, and he charges the graduates to go and serve Jesus Christ as evangels of life (0:42:27-1:00:15). The service ends with a word of prayer and a benediction (1:00:16-1:01:17).
Dernière modification
  • 18 Août 2023
La langue
  • SEBTS_Commencement_Thomas_H_Graves_1982-05-15
Date créée
  • 15 Mai 1982
  • Wake Forest (N.C.)
Type de ressource
    Archives and Special Collections, Library at Southeastern, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, NC.
