The Lone Pilgrim Volume 2 Number 4 1924

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  • The Lone Pilgrim was a Primitive Baptist publication that had its first issue around 1922. It was edited by Elders J. W. Wyatt and H. F. Hutchens, both from North Carolina. It was a monthly publication with readership in North Carolina and Virginia. The issues typically contained articles discussing doctrine or similar topics of the day. They would often include announcements from associations and churches regarding meeting times and locations and sometimes speaking arrangements of traveling elders. Letters and articles from readers were frequently printed and at times obituaries as well.
Dernière modification
  • 27 Mai 2021
La langue
  • PBHLA-TLP_002_004_1924
Date créée
  • 15 Janvier 1924
  • Selma (N.C.)
Type de ressource
  • Primitive Baptist Library and Archives - Elon, NC
Déclaration des droits
    Primitive Baptist Library and Archives collection, Archives and Special Collections, Library at Southeastern, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, NC.
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