SEBTS Chapel - James Burnham November 9, 1976

  • James Burnham was a missionary and a student at Southeastern. The service begins with an announcement about a short revision to an upcoming song the chapel would sing from 0:00-0:34. Psalm 136 is read from 0:40-1:53. Some thoughts are shared as well as announcements are given from 1:55-5:30. A choir sings a Hebrew anthem from 5:31-6:14. Burnham speaks from 6:17-22:17. Burnham preaches on his experiences on the mission field.
Last modified
  • July 23, 2021
  • SEBTS_Chapel_James_Burnham_1976-11-09
Date Created
  • November 9, 1976
  • Wake Forest (N.C.)
Resource Type
Preferred Citation
    SEBTS Chapel and Special Event Recordings - 1970s, SEBTS Chapel and Special Event Recordings, Archives and Special Collections, Library at Southeastern, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, NC.