James McAtee interview

  • James McAtee was a missionary in Indonesia and Myanmar for the International Mission Board. McAtee begins the interview by giving a summary of his call to ministry, and he discusses his time as a missionary in Indonesia (0:00:00-0:16:30). McAtee speaks on the three men who led the International Mission Board during his tenure in Indonesia, and he briefly discusses the differences of each of their mission strategies (0:16:31-0:26:48). McAtee discusses in detail the strategies forged by Presidents Parks and Rankin of putting missionaries in unreached and closed countries, and he says because of this strategy he was able to do mission work in Myanmar and Indonesia (0:26:49-0:34:30). McAtee moves to specifically focus on the strategy the IMB used in Myanmar, and this strategy includes translating the Bible into the native languages and placing churches and biblical materials in unreached areas of the country (0:34:31-0:45:30). McAtee describes the relationship the IMB currently has with the national church of Myanmar (0:45:31-0:51:05). McAtee speaks on the future of evangelism in Myanmar, and he is excited about the prospect of every tribe being reached but knows that there are currently some barriers preventing that reality (0:51:06-0:59:18). The interview ends with McAtee giving a word to seminary students on the prospect of serving the Lord oversees (0:59:19-1:05:14).
Última modificación
  • August 2, 2023
  • James McAtee 23Apr04_orig_1_1
Fecha de Creacion
  • April 23, 2004
Tipo de recurso
    Lewis A. Drummond Center for Great Commission Studies records, Archives and Special Collections, Library at Southeastern, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, NC.
En Collection:
