Black Student Fellowship 1978-1979

  • CDI-01-0582: 1979; CDI-01-0584: "Fellowship of Black Students: (Seated, left to right) William (Bill) E. Daye, A Getho-Sontho Hill, Corbin Cooper of the Baptist State Convention in Raleigh, Jonathan M. Nduneme, and Richard A. Wright. (Standing, left to right) Dean Dr. Albert L. Meiburg, James H. Neely, Sr., Percy R. Chase, Isaac E. Williams, Registrar Dr. Fred W. Sandusky, Registrar. Note: This group meet on March 3, 1978 at 10:00 am in spite of bad weather and the delay of classes until 11 am. This was an organizational meeting with the hopes of developing a support group for the Black students on campus. Black ministers from the surrounding area were also invited to attend.", This photograph was taken by David F. Haywood, 1978
Última modificación
  • September 20, 2021
  • CDI-01-0582/0584
Fecha de Creacion
  • 1978 to 1979
Tipo de recurso
    Communication Department Images - Series 1, Archives and Special Collections, Library at Southeastern, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, NC.
En Collection:
