Mackie Hall Construction and Dedication 1968-1969

  • CDI-01-1781: Dr. George Mackie and Mrs. Kathleen Mackie; CDI-01-1782: Mackie Hall Dedication, (Center) Dr. and Mrs. George Mackie, 1968; CDI-01-1783: Baptist (Student) Bookstore, The bookstore is located in Mackie Hall; CDI-01-1784: Jeanette Scott, Manager of the Baptist (Student) Bookstore located in Mackie Hall; CDI-01-1785: February 20, 1969; CDI-01-1786: Mackie Hall; CDI-01-1788: (Left) Dr. Olin T. Binkley, This image was probably taken circa 1968 - 1969; CDI-01-1794: Mackie Hall dedication; CDI-01-1800: Mackie Hall dedication; CDI-01-1801: Mackie Hall dedication looking towards the entrance to the Baptist (Student) Bookstore; CDI-01-1802: View from outside the patio of the Mackie Hall East Entrance; CDI-01-1803: Mackie Hall Student Lounge; CDI-01-1804: Mackie Hall, 1969; CDI-01-1806: Bookstore in Mackie Hall, Jeanette Scott, Manager, is far left behind the counter; CDI-01-1807: Mackie Hall Dedication, 1969; CDI-01-1808: Putting in the furniture in Mackie Hall
Last modified
  • November 5, 2020
  • CDI-01-1781/1809
Date Created
  • 1968 to 1969
Resource Type
Preferred Citation
    Communication Department Images - Series 1, Archives and Special Collections, Library at Southeastern, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, NC.
In Collection:
