SEBTS Chapel - Robert Lee Richardson, Jr. September 17, 1987

  • Robert Lee Richardson Jr. Was the Professor of Supervised Ministry at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. The service begins with a call to worship from the Psalms (0:00-1:09). There is a responsive reading (1:10-2:20). There is a moment of prayer (2:21-4:35). Richardson speaks about his and his wife’s studying for teaching in the church and what they believe about the Bible (4:36-6:46). Richardson shares about his adventure with the Bible, specifically that which is connected to his Biblical education (6:47-14:10). He speaks about the theological differences in his education (14:11-15:50). Richardson shares his experience in the Holy Land (15:51-21:01). The service closes with a blessing (21:02-21:15).
Last modified
  • February 7, 2025
  • SEBTS_Chapel_Robert_Lee_Richardson_Jr_1987-09-17
Date Created
  • September 17, 1987
  • Wake Forest (N.C.)
Resource Type
Preferred Citation
    SEBTS Chapel and Special Event Recordings, SEBTS Chapel and Special Event Recordings - 1980s, Archives and Special Collections, Library at Southeastern, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, NC.