SEBTS Chapel - Ken Hoover January 20, 1961
- Description
- The service begins with the reading of a poem (00:00-00:46) and of John 13:1-20 (00:47-03:38), followed by prayer (03:39-05:43). Singing follows the opening words (05:44-08:02). Ken Hoover introduces himself and others as SEBTS students who have led the service (08:03-11:31). He responds to the question, “What are we to do with the command to wash feet?” (11:32-15:23). He remarks that oftentimes, humans, in services of humility, have a tendency to think highly of themselves for their religiosity (15:24-17:21). He differentiates between a sign and a symbol to explain that the church’s symbol of humility has been irrevocably lost (17:22-23:26). The service ends in prayer (23:27-23:50).
- Zuletzt geändert
- May 21, 2020
- Schöpfer
- Fach
- Sprache
- Identifikator
- SEBTS_Chapel_Ken_Hoover_1961-01-20
- Datum erstellt
- January 20, 1961
- Ort
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Ressourcentyp
- Zitate
- SEBTS Chapel and Special Event Recordings, SEBTS Chapel and Special Event Recordings - 1960s, Archives and Special Collections, Library at Southeastern, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, NC.
- In Collection:
Miniaturansicht | Titel | Hochladedatum | Aktionen |
SEBTS_Chapel_Ken_Hoover_1961-01-20.wav | 2020-04-01 | Herunterladen |