SEBTS Chapel - Welton Gaddy April 30, 1986

  • Dr. C. Welton Gaddy was a PhD graduate from Southern Seminary and was the campus minister at Mercer University in Macon, Georgia. The service begins with piano music (0:00-3:00). There is a word of prayer (3:01-4:00). Thanks are given to those who have attended and supported the chapel services for the year (4:01-4:52). Welton Gaddy is introduced as the chapel speaker (4:53-6:04). The choir sings an anthem (6:05-9:14). Gaddy speaks of the reasons Zacchaeus was up a tree, both figuratively and literally (9:15-11:30). He uses Zacchaeus’s action to illustrate how in the present faith is becoming reason and routine, leading to a “passivity which breeds mediocrity” (11:31-13:05). Gaddy speaks of the word “hallelujah” being “ecstatic, unrestricted praise” and shares that one must not hold anything back in worshipping Jesus even if people worship in different ways (13:06-21:16). Gaddy argues, using the idea that if Zacchaeus would have held back his abandon, he may not have experienced Jesus, to show that all believers should not hold anything back lest they miss experiencing Jesus (21:17-26:29). Gaddy closes the service in a word of prayer (26:30-26:56).
Last modified
  • January 31, 2025
  • SEBTS_Chapel_Welton_Gaddy_1986-04-30
Date Created
  • April 30, 1986
  • Wake Forest (N.C.)
Resource Type
Preferred Citation
    SEBTS Chapel and Special Event Recordings, SEBTS Chapel and Special Event Recordings - 1980s, Archives and Special Collections, Library at Southeastern, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, NC.