SEBTS Missionary Day Address - Caralie Brown January 31, 1989
- Description
- Caralie Brown was a retired teacher and gave this address for "Missionary Day." The scripture reading came from Acts 2:37-47. In this message, Brown speaks about her experiences helping to plant a church in northwest Raleigh, NC. Her theme is that the purpose of "church planting" is not to plant a church, per se, but rather to proclaim the gospel and be a church.
- Zuletzt geändert
- April 7, 2020
- Schöpfer
- Mitwirkender
- Fach
- Sprache
- Identifikator
- SEBTS_Chapel_Caralie_Brown_1989-01-31
- Datum erstellt
- January 31, 1989
- Ort
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Ressourcentyp
- Zitate
- SEBTS Chapel and Special Event Recordings, SEBTS Chapel and Special Event Recordings - 1980s, Archives and Special Collections, Library at Southeastern, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, NC.
- In Collection:
Miniaturansicht | Titel | Hochladedatum | Aktionen |
SEBTS_Missionary_Day_Address_Caralie_Brown_1989-01-31.wav | 2019-08-19 | Herunterladen |