SEBTS Chapel - Clifford A. Jones January 15, 1986

  • Dr. Clifford Anthony Jones was from Friendship Baptist Church in Charlotte, North Carolina and was a graduate of Southeastern Seminary. The service begins with a Scripture reading from Micah 6:8 and a moment of prayer (0:00-2:17). There is a Scripture reading from Luke 4:16-23 (2:18-3:49). Clifford Jones is introduced as the chapel speaker (3:50-4:54). Jones expresses his gratitude for being able to speak at Southeastern (4:55-5:52). He remarks on the description Luke gives of Jesus’ emotion and temptation and relates it to all Christians’ emotions and temptations (5:53-7:39). Jones states it is essential to know one’s own calling, that one is called to do God’s will, and that there is a cost (7:40-18:12). The service closes with a benediction (18:13-18:28).
Last modified
  • February 4, 2025
  • SEBTS_Chapel_Clifford_A_Jones_1986-01-15
Date Created
  • January 15, 1986
  • Wake Forest (N.C.)
Resource Type
Preferred Citation
    SEBTS Chapel and Special Event Recordings, SEBTS Chapel and Special Event Recordings - 1980s, Archives and Special Collections, Library at Southeastern, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Wake Forest, NC.