Resultados da Busca
- Descrição:
- Julius Carroll Trotter, Jr. was Professor of Preaching and Speech. The service begins with a word of announcement and prayer from 0:00-3:55. Dr. Trotter speaks from 4:02-28:23. His sermon is titled, “Life, Law, and Love.” He states that “eternal life is life lived in obedience to the law of love.” Trotter reminds his students that love is essential to the life of a Christian. His source text was Luke 10:25-37, the story of the Good Samaritan.
- Sujeito:
- Bible. Luke, Love, and Bible. Luke 10
- O Criador:
- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Trotter, J. Carroll (Julius Carroll), 1917-2009
- Localização:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Língua:
- English
- Data Criada:
- February 23, 1967
- Tipo de recurso:
- Audio
- Identificador:
- SEBTS_Chapel_Julius_Carroll_Trotter_Jr_1967-02-23