Interview with Olave Snelling discussing interactions with Francis A. Schaeffer (FAS), Olave as a worker at L'Abri, the Schaeffers hospitality and warmth, and the affects of FAS' teaching on her own personal identity
Interview with Graham Weeks discussing interactions with Francis A. Schaeffer (FAS), his teachings and his influence in the world and in Graham's life. Topics of discussion include FAS' humility, his apologetics, not emphasizing denominations for the sake of including everyone in the conversation, the purity of the visible church, and speaking the truth in love
Interview with Ranald and Susan (Schaeffer) Macaulay discussing interactions with Francis A. Schaeffer (FAS), Susan growing up in the home of the FAS and Edith Schaeffer, their parenting and education techniques, the beginnings of FAS' popular ministry, his view of humanity, apologetic approach, truth and relativism, Christian culture and premillennial view
Interview with Cynthia Kim and PukKyong Kim discussing interactions with Francis A. Schaeffer (FAS) and Edith Schaeffer, their personable natures, their love for God and people, FAS' spirit of prophecy, and their policy to never advertise
Interview with Dawn Merz discussing interactions with Francis A. Schaeffer (FAS), especially through her relationship with Edith Schaeffer, FAS' books, and the L'Abri ministry. Discussions include Edith Schaeffer as a wife, her faith and character, apologetic approaches of the Schaeffer's, and questioning the faith
Interview with Ken and Barbara Cope discussing interactions with Francis A. Schaeffer (FAS), FAS' interactions with others, the impact of FAS' books and of L'Abri ministry
Interview with Dierdre Ducker (Haim) discussing interactions with Francis A. Schaeffer (FAS) and Edith Schaeffer regarding their ministries, values, home life, what was attractive about FAS, the Schaeffer's giftings, and the impact Hans Rookmaaker had on FAS
Interview with John and Jill Barrs discussing interactions with Francis A. Schaeffer (FAS), the culture at L'Abri, the Christian culture from the 1970's through today, and raising questions within the context of Christian faith
Interview with Marvin Padgett discussing interactions with Francis A. Schaeffer (FAS), experiences at L'Abri, and FAS's views on the image of God, the Scriptures, pre-evangelism and apologetics, taking up arms, and eschatology