This was a retirement service for Dr. Edward Allison McDowell, Jr. and Dr. M. Ray McKay. The service opens in prayer and music from 0:17-4:11. Dr. Wayland reads Matthew 13:1-9 from 4:17-5:35. Wayland gives a review of the ministry and fruitful labor of Dr. McKay and Dr. McDowell from 5:36-9:18. Music plays from 9:32-14:13. The President of the Board of Trustees speaks from 14:24-17:19. Dr. Binkley speaks from 17:37-18:24. Binkley prays from 18:48-20:42. Music plays from 20:54-48. Dr. McKay closes the service in prayer one final time from 25:10-25:28.
Fon H. Scofield was from the Foreign Mission Board. The service begins with a scripture reading of Matthew 22:37-39 from 0:00-0:38. Music plays from 0:42-1:32. Dr. McDowell gives a prayer from 1:36-4:20. An introduction to the speaker is made from 4:22-5:48. Dr. Scofield speaks from 5:52-24:24. His source text is 2 Corinthians 2:14-17. Scofield encourages the students to be the aroma of Christ to God among those who are being saved and those who are perishing.
Searcy Garrison was the Executive Secretary of the Georgia Baptist Convention. The service begins with Dr. McDowell leading in prayer and introducing the speaker from 0:00-5:42. Dr. Garrison speaks from 5:45-30:45. His source text was Joshua 1:1-3, 5-7. Garrison notes that God is continually revealing Himself to those with eyes to see, ears to hear, and minds to obey the will of God. He states that we have a responsibility to share the Gospel with the rest of the world.