This message was part of the Ministry with the Small Rural Church Workshop. Quentin Lockwood was Director of the Rural Missions Department of the Home Mission Board. The conference begins with Lockwood introducing himself, and he gives the title of his lecture, “The Call of the Small” (00:00-00:48). Lockwood begins his lecture with the subject of calling, and he reminds the audience that the call of God comes to people regardless of location or size of service (00:49-05:45). Lockwood moves the subject of “small,” and he lays out the demographic numbers of Southern Baptist churches across America (05:46-09:30). Lockwood gives six factors on the size of churches, and the first is knowing everyone in the congregation, the second is the relationships among members, the third is the transiency of pastors, the fourth is financial resources, the fifth is the pastor’s workload, and the sixth is congregational leadership (09:31-20:35). Lockwood speaks about the many advantages of being a small church pastor throughout the rest of his lecture (20:36-47:05).
At the time of this recording Tommy Tillery was a second year ADiv student at Southeastern. The title of this message was “Too Far, Too Long.” Chapel begins with a congregational reading (0:00-0:57). Introductions of the various leaders of the chapel service are given (0:57-3:07). Another speaker brings prayer requests for various students (3:07-4:40). Students lead in song (4:40-8:33). The audience is led in a prayer of confession (8:33-10:12). A student shares his personal testimony with a focus on finding one’s purpose (10:12-18:14). Students lead in the song “Consider the Lilies” (18:14-21:45). Tommy Tillery introduces his sermon focused on Genesis 3:1-5 and reads the passage to teach on temptation and sin (21:45-23:57). He discusses the destruction of sin, its damage to witness and ministry, and the importance of being obedient to Christ (23:57-41:18). Mr. Tillery closes in prayer (41:18-42:28).
Archie Lee Nations was Professor of New Testament Interpretation. The service opens with call to worship and a word of prayer (00:00-01:35). Archie Nations gives announcements and prayer requests for the seminary family, and he gives a word of prayer (01:36-04:34). The choir leads in a song of worship (04:35-09:32). Archie Nations begins his sermon by reading from Colossians 1:24-2:3 (09:33-12:26). He first speaks on Christ giving us a self-perception of our entanglement in sin (12:27-16:14). Secondly, he speaks on Christ giving us a spirit of grace (16:15-18:01). Thirdly, he speaks on Christ giving us a reverence for him (18:02-21:36). Finally, Nations speaks on Christ giving us the spirit and ministry of peace (21:37-26:01). Nations ends the service with a benediction (26:02-26:28).
Thomas H. Graves was Assistant Professor of Philosophy of Religion. The service opens with a word of prayer (00:00-00:48). Thomas H. Graves is introduced as the chapel speaker (00:49-02:52). The speaker reads from Matthew 20:20-28 (02:53-04:14). Graves speaks on the importance of ministers having the posture of powerless availability and avoiding the culture of power that plagues society (04:15-20:20). He ends his sermon with a prayer (20:21-21:17). The speaker invites the students to stay and be a part of the dialogue session with Graves (21:18-21:55). There is an extended time of questions from students and answers from Graves (21:56-47:16).
Julius Carroll Trotter was Professor of Preaching and Speech. The service begins with organ music (00:00-06:50). Trotter gives a word of prayer (06:51-07:48). The choir sings a song of worship (07:49-12:14). Trotter reads from various passages of Scripture, and he reads four poems as a list of Lenten liturgical readings (12:15-32:49). Trotter ends the service with a benediction (32:50-33:08).