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- Description:
- Donald Hustad was the V.V. Cook Professor of Organ at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. The service begins with organ music (00:00-07:24). Donald Hustad is introduced as the chapel speaker (07:25-08:31). Hostad centers his lecture on the revival of historic Christian worship that takes in the transcendent and the intimate, and he walks through a better way to partake of the Lord’s Supper and to walk through the liturgical calendar year (08:32-43:00). Hustad concludes his lecture by reading a hymn written by Thomas A Kempis (43:01-44:45). The service ends with an announcement about a dialogue session with Hustad, and the benediction is read (44:46-46:03).
- Subject:
- Lord's Supper, Worship, and Liturgy--Calendar
- Creator:
- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Hustad, Don
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- October 2, 1984
- Resource type:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Page_Lecture_Donald_Hustad_1984-10-02
- Description:
- Carl Dennison was a Master of Divinity student. The service begins with the choir singing a song of worship (00:00-03:20). A student leads the audience in a song of worship (03:21-05:29). Carl Dennison is introduced as the chapel speaker, and the speaker gives a word of prayer (05:30-09:40). A student gives her personal testimony (09:41-15:29). The choir sings another song of worship (15:30-18:05). Dennison preaches a sermon on proper worship and revival, and he says that renewal of one’s commitment to Christ is a big emphasis of revival (10:05-36:49). Dennison ends the service with a word of prayer (36:50-38:00).
- Subject:
- Revival, Worship, and Witness bearing (Christianity)
- Creator:
- Dennison, Carl and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- March 7, 1984
- Resource type:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_Carl_Dennison_1984-03-07
- Description:
- John William Eddins, Jr. was Professor of Theology. The service begins with organ music (00:00-01:46). Eddins gives a word of prayer (01:47-03:14). The choir sings a song of worship (03:15-05:15). Eddins preaches on the misconceptions of the doctrine of perseverance of the saints, and he argues that true perseverance finds its place in the worship of God’s people, not in conversion (05:16-19:52). Eddins ends the service with a benediction (19:53-20:13).
- Subject:
- Worship, Perseverance (Theology), and Conversion
- Creator:
- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Eddins, John William, Jr.
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- January 26, 1984
- Resource type:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_John_William_Eddins_Jr_1984-01-26
- Description:
- Alexander Kurian was a Master of Divinity student from South India. The service begins with piano music (00:00-04:57). The speaker initiates a brief time of fellowship for the audience (04:58-06:10). The audience is led in a song of worship (06:11-11:17). The speaker gives a word of prayer (11:18-11:59). The speaker gives the order of the service, and Alexander Kurian is introduced as the chapel speaker (12:00-13:36). A student delivers a personal testimony of how he came to faith after living in an abusive home (13:37-21:39). The audience is led in a second song of worship called “Alleluia” (21:40-25:31). Kurian delivers a sermon on the important components of the Christian Church, and he says that they are worship, fellowship, evangelism (25:32-39:52). The speaker gives a brief word on the communion of saints, and there is a song of worship (39:53-45:21). The service ends with a word of prayer (45:22-45:43).
- Subject:
- Witness bearing (Christianity), Worship, and Fellowship--Religious aspects
- Creator:
- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Kurian, Alexander
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- October 26, 1983
- Resource type:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_Alexander_Kurian_1983-10-26
- Description:
- Willard A. Brown, Jr. was pastor of Wake Forest Baptist Church. The service begins with the Lord’s Prayer and a responsive reading (00:00-01:09). Brown says the two greatest commandments while choir sings to the Lord, and it ends with a word of prayer (01:10-06:00). The choir sings multiple songs of worship while Brown does a responsive reading from selected passages in the Scriptures (06:01-11:50). Multiple songs are performed by the choir (11:51-17:44). Organ music is played (17:45-21:18).
- Subject:
- Worship, Choirs (Music), Organ and piano music, and Responsive worship
- Creator:
- Brown, Willard A., Jr. and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- April 9, 1981
- Resource type:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_Willard_A_Brown_Jr_1981-04-09
- Description:
- William P. Clemmons was Associate Professor of Christian Education. The service begins with piano music (00:00-05:02). The speaker gives a word of prayer (05:03-06:30). President Randall Lolley introduces the Spring Conference, and he says that the theme for this year’s conference is “Church Education for the 80s” (06:31-13:36). Bruce Powers introduces the speakers for the Spring Conference (13:37-17:11). A speaker reads Matthew 7:24-27, and a woman sings a song of worship (17:12-20:34). The service ends with a benediction (20:35-21:07).
- Subject:
- Church and education, Education, and Worship
- Creator:
- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Clemmons, William P., 1932-
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- March 17, 1981
- Resource type:
- Text and Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Spring_Conference_William_P_Clemmons_1981-03-17
- Description:
- Dwight W. Cumbee was Visiting Professor of Pastoral Care and Director of the Life Enrichment Center in Raleigh, NC. The service begins with announcements (00:00-01:54). There is a time of public confession and prayer (01:55-09:18). The choir leads in a song of worship (09:19-12:44). Various passages of Scripture are publicly read (12:45-17:29). The choir leads in another song of worship (17:30-20:23). The audience is led in a benediction (20:24-20:49).
- Subject:
- Prayer, Worship, and Benediction
- Creator:
- Cumbee, Dwight W. and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- August 1, 1980
- Resource type:
- Text and Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_Dwight_W_Cumbee_1980-08-01
- Description:
- G. Thomas Halbrooks was Assistant Professor of Church History. The service opens with an invocation and a prayer of confession (00:00–01:53). One speaker reads from Isaiah 6:1-8, and another speaker reads from Revelation 4:8-11 (01:54-04:58). Halbrooks speaks on the importance of gathering for worship, and he gives many reasons for attending chapel (04:59-13:39). The audience recites the Apostles Creed (13:40-14:44). Halbrooks invites the audience into a time of prayer (14:45-20:37). Halbrooks ends the service with a benediction (20:38-21:01).
- Subject:
- Creeds, Ecumenical, Prayer, and Worship
- Creator:
- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Halbrooks, G. Thomas
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- July 9, 1980
- Resource type:
- Text and Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_G_Thomas_Halbrooks_1980-07-09
- Description:
- Ben Sigel Johnson was Professor of Music. William Randall Lolley was the third President of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. The concert opens with a responsive reading from 0:00-1:06. Music plays from 1:07-4:03. A prayer of confession is given from 4:12-5:24. Special music plays from 5:52-9:43. A prayer is offered from 10:00-11:43. 2 Corinthians 5:17-19 and Luke 4:16-21 is read from 12:02-13:50. Music plays from 14:02-19:19. Dr. Lolley speaks from 19:41-45:26. He shares the importance of giving worship to God.
- Subject:
- Bible. Luke 4, Bible. Luke , Music, Bible. 2 Corinthians , Worship, and Bible. 2 Corinthians 5
- Creator:
- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Lolley, W. Randall (William Randall), 1931-, and Johnson, Ben Sigel
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- March 23, 1976
- Resource type:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_Ben_Sigel_Johnson_and_William_Randall_Lolley_1976-03-23
- Description:
- Michael Blackwell was Associate Minister of Ridgeroad Baptist Church in Raleigh, NC. The service begins with an announcement and reading of Psalm 90 (0:00-2:25). A prayer is then offered (2:26-4:40). The service continues with a period of singing (4:41-6:40). Blackwell's message is on worship. Blackwell begins with an introduction concerning worship (6:41-10:03). After which, he explains that the worship of a Church should be a witness to the world (10:04-12:13). He continues by discussing the purpose of worship (12:14-15:37). He demonstrates that worship should include scripture and a sermon (15:38-18:20). He concludes by challenging his audience to create Christian environments that reflect love, trust, concern and honesty (18:21-22:30). He closes in prayer (22:31-23:07).
- Subject:
- Worship
- Creator:
- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Blackwell, Michael
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- November 18, 1971
- Resource type:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_Michael_Blackwell_1971-11-18
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