- Beschreibung:
- Interview with Ranald and Susan (Schaeffer) Macaulay discussing interactions with Francis A. Schaeffer (FAS), Susan growing up in the home of the FAS and Edith Schaeffer, their parenting and education techniques, the beginnings of FAS' popular ministry, his view of humanity, apologetic approach, truth and relativism, Christian culture and premillennial view
- Fach:
- Parenting, Theological anthropology, Schaeffer, Francis A. (Francis August), Truthfulness and falsehood, and Christianity and culture
- Schöpfer:
- Macaulay, Ranald and Macaulay, Susan Schaeffer
- Sprache:
- English
- Datum erstellt:
- July 9, 2016
- Ressourcentyp:
- Audio
- Identifikator:
- 2016.07.09.Schaeffer.J&S_Macaulay