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- Description:
- SEBTS_SN_1983_03_04a: Former Senator Calls for Christian Compassion in Government; SEBTS_SN_1983_03_04b: Seminary Students Feel Called to Career Changes
- Subject:
- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Seminarians, and Morgan, Robert, 1925-2016
- Creator:
- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- March 4, 1983
- Rights Statement:
- In Copyright
- Resource type:
- Text
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_SN_1983_03_04
- Description:
- The service begins with the reading of Psalm 122:1 and Psalm 43:3a (00:00-00:33) and prayer (00:34-02:03). There was no introduction for Olin Trivette Binkley, but he was Academic Dean and Professor of Christian Sociology and Ethics at SEBTS. He begins by focusing on the integrity of servants of God in a theological school amidst the pressures and problems in a very complex and dynamic society (02:04-03:55). He draws attention to three basic convictions: first, the Living God knows us as we are and loves us (03:56-04:20); second, God, who offers salvation, demands something of us that is consonant with His nature (04:21-04:37); third, God has revealed Himself to us as the God of mercy and truth (04:38-05:16). He then speaks about the two factors of interpersonal relationships in seminary: first, honesty in straightforward speech (05:17-07:22); second, the integrity of mind and conscience involves affectionate loyalty to whole persons and to the whole fellowship of the school, having compassion, humility, and courage (07:23-17:04). He ends with prayer (17:05-17:37).
- Subject:
- Christian life, Seminarians, and Integrity
- Creator:
- Binkley, Olin Trivette, 1908-1999 and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- April 12, 1962
- Resource type:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_Olin_Trivette_Binkley_1962-04-12
- Description:
- The service begins with an opening word and prayer (00:00-04:11). There is no introduction for the speaker, Robert Cook Briggs, but he was Professor of New Testament Interpretation at SEBTS. He begins by reading Romans 12:1-2 (04:12-05:36). He bypasses “what one ought to do” and focuses on “how one is to interpret the meaning of student days” (05:37-07:00). He summarizes the sermon in three points: first, years spent in seminary are best seen as years of opportunity (07:01-14:44); second, this opportunity is related to both what one has been before seminary and also what one will be after seminary (14:45-18:06); and third, essentially, this opportunity must ultimately be seen as a gift from God (18:07-19:58). He ends in prayer (19:59-20:50).
- Subject:
- Christian life and Seminarians
- Creator:
- Briggs, Robert Cook, 1915- and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- April 11, 1962
- Resource type:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_Robert_Cook_Briggs_1962-04-11
- Description:
- CDI-01-7029: Graduation, 1993; CDI-01-7030: Graduation, 1993; CDI-01-7031: "Lewis Drummond passes the mantle to Paige Patterson at his inauguration as SEBTS president." September 1992; CDI-01-7032: This image was probably taken circa 2000 based on the published year of the book.; CDI-01-7042: Southern Baptist Convention Annual Meeting, 1997; CDI-01-7043: "Mr. and Mrs. Charles Capps presenting check to Dr. Patterson in memory of Phillip Capps for Phillip Alan Capps Memorial Scholarship Fund"; CDI-01-7058: Bailey Smith in Appleby, 1997
- Subject:
- Seminarians, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Theological seminary presidents
- Creator:
- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- 1992 to 2003
- Resource type:
- Graphic Materials
- Identifier:
- CDI-01-7024/7058
- Description:
- CDI-01-6991: Spring, 1996; CDI-01-6998: J. Strack; CDI-01-6999: Homer Lindsy, 1996; CDI-01-7005: Spring, 1996; CDI-01-7008: Mac Brunson; CDI-01-7010: Chapel Speaker; CDI-01-7011: Chapel Speaker, Mark Dever of First Baptist Church of Washington D.C.; CDI-01-7012: Spring, 1996; CDI-01-7013: Spring, 1997
- Subject:
- Seminarians, Theological seminary presidents, and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Creator:
- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- 1996 to 1997
- Resource type:
- Graphic Materials
- Identifier:
- CDI-01-6990/7023
- Description:
- CDI-01-6978: Dr. James Merritt, 1997; CDI-01-6979: Ed Young; CDI-01-6980: Mac Brunson, 1997, President of the State Baptist Convention of North Carolina; CDI-01-6986: Mac Brunson, 1997, President of the State Baptist Convention of North Carolina; CDI-01-6987: Randy Bates (left) Bailey Smith (back to camera), 1997; CDI-01-6988: Randy Bates (left) Bailey Smith (back to camera), 1998; CDI-01-6989: Eric Garner
- Subject:
- Seminarians, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Theological seminary presidents
- Creator:
- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- 1996 to 1997
- Resource type:
- Graphic Materials
- Identifier:
- CDI-01-6952/6989
- Description:
- CDI-01-6900: 1994 - 1996 trustee board officers; CDI-01-6904: Habitat for Humanity, in Outlook Spring/Summer 1994; CDI-01-6905: Habitat for Humanity, in Outlook Spring/Summer 1995; CDI-01-6906: Habitat for Humanity, in Outlook Spring/Summer 1996; CDI-01-6907: Habitat for Humanity, in Outlook Spring/Summer 1997; CDI-01-6908: Photo in the 1995-1996 directory.
- Subject:
- Seminarians, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Students, Women seminarians, and Theological seminary trustees
- Creator:
- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- 1992 to 2000
- Resource type:
- Graphic Materials
- Identifier:
- CDI-01-6899/6920
- Subject:
- Seminarians, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, Students, and Teaching
- Creator:
- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- February 1, 1995 to February 4, 1995
- Resource type:
- Graphic Materials
- Identifier:
- CDI-01-6838_A/6850_D
- Subject:
- Seminarians and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Creator:
- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- 2001
- Resource type:
- Graphic Materials
- Identifier:
- CDI-01-6525_A/6530_D
- Subject:
- Seminarians and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Creator:
- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- 2001
- Resource type:
- Graphic Materials
- Identifier:
- CDI-01-6497_A/6502_C