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Jesus Christ--Crucifixion--Sermons
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- Description:
- R. Logan Carson was Senior Professor of Christian Theology. Carson begins his sermon by telling a few funny stories about being a professor at Southeastern, and he gives a word of prayer (00:00-04:23). He walks through Matthew 27:11-26, and he speaks on how much of society has responded to Pilate’s question, “What should I do then with Jesus?” (04:24-15:12). He then reads verses 27-31, and he condemns those who step on Jesus and do not give him reverence (15:13-18:08). He tells a personal story of his calling to the service of ministry, and he says that the answer to Pilate’s question is to serve Jesus (18:09-26:49). Carson ends his sermon by speaking on the day of the resurrection when all God’s children will look upon Jesus (26:50-30:01).
- Subject:
- Good Friday sermons and Jesus Christ--Crucifixion--Sermons
- Creator:
- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Carson, R. Logan, 1932-
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- October 10, 2001
- Resource type:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_R_Logan_Carson_2001-10-10
- Description:
- Adrian Rogers was the pastor of Bellevue Baptist Church in Memphis, TN and former President of the Southern Baptist Convention. The service begins with President Paige Patterson announcing a prayer request for a staff member’s son, and one of the trustees, Jerry Holcomb, gives a word of prayer (00:00-02:19). Patterson welcomes the Southeastern Board of Trustees to campus, and he gives a shofar to two trustees who are rotating off the board (02:20-06:46). Adrian Rogers is introduced as the chapel speaker (06:47-08:23). Rogers begins his sermon by reading from 1 Corinthians 1:18-25, and the theme of his message is about the true gospel of Christ (8:24-11:26). The first point of Rogers’ sermon is about the method of God’s salvation, and he states that the cross is the only way to salvation, a method that slays human boasting (11:27-26:08). The second point of Rogers’ sermon is about the calling of the saints through the cross of Christ, and he reads 1 Cor. 1:26-30 to state that God has chosen the weak and foolish in the world to confound the wise (26:09-36:00). Rogers’ final point of his sermon is about the method of God’s servants and how it undercuts human pride, and he reads 1 Cor. 2:1-5 to state that the Christian’s aim as servants of God is to proclaim Christ and him crucified (36:01-40:37).
- Subject:
- Salvation, Pride and vanity--Religious aspects--Christianity, Jesus Christ--Crucifixion--Sermons, and Methods (Gospel)
- Creator:
- Rogers, Adrian, 1931-2005 and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- March 16, 1993
- Resource type:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_Adrian_Rogers_1993-03-16
- Description:
- Bishop Stephen Neill was the Oxford University Resident Scholar and previously served as a missionary. Reading from scripture and an opening prayer (0:00-3:08). Introduction of the speaker, Bishop Stephen Neill (3:08-5:5:50). Dr. Neill introduces his topic in Matthew 26 and the story of the garden of Gethsemane, and he reads a portion of the passage (6:05-8:11). He emphasizes the significance of the cross of Christ and states that Jesus died because of what God is, because of what we are, because of what He was, and for the sake of what we shall be (8:11-10:55). He states that Jesus died because God is with his people (10:55-14:01). Jesus died because we are sinful people (14:01-17:16). Jesus also died because his goodness was a threat to the sinful desires of men (17:16-20:07). Jesus also died because with Him we will be able to become something beautiful (20:07-26:05). Dr. Neill closes in prayer (26:05-26:42).
- Subject:
- Jesus Christ--Prayer in Gethsemane and Jesus Christ--Crucifixion--Sermons
- Creator:
- Neill, Stephen, 1900-1984 and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- January 27, 1983
- Resource type:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_Stephen_Neill_1983-01-27
- Description:
- Audio quality is very poor. W. Chen Smith was President of the Baptist Convention of Georgia. The service begins with a word of prayer (0:00:00-0:00:53). Dr. Glenn Miller delivers the Scripture reading from Ephesians 1:3-14, and he gives a word of prayer (0:00:54-0:06:57). President Randall Lolley welcomes the friends and families to the commencement service (0:06:58-0:09:24). Robert L. Hilton presents a gift to the senior class (0:09:25-0:10:47). T. Robert Mullinack, who was part of the class of 1967, delivers an update on an endowed scholarship for future Southeastern students, and Lolley thanks the class of 1967 for their investment in the future of Southeastern (0:10:48-0:13:20). Dean Morris Ashcraft confers awards to members of the senior class (0:13:21-0:24:10). Lolley introduces W. Chen Smith as the commencement speaker (0:24:11-0:27:40). The choir sings the anthem (0:27:41-0:34:12). Smith centers his sermon on Matthew 27:42, and he speaks to the seniors about giving their lives for the ministries in the same manner as Jesus, who gave his life on the cross (0:34:12-1:00:20). Smith ends the service with a word of prayer (1:00:21-1:01:41).
- Subject:
- Commencement ceremonies, Church work, and Jesus Christ--Crucifixion--Sermons
- Creator:
- Smith, W. Ches and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- May 14, 1982
- Resource type:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Commencement_W_Ches_Smith_1982-05-14
- Description:
- William Randall Lolley was the 3rd president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. The service begins with Lolley speaking about a broken table, and he gives a word of prayer (00:00-02:56). Lolley speaks about the four women sexually assaulted around Southeastern campus, he warns the students to be alert and act wisely, and he thanks Wake Forest Baptist Church for letting Southeastern use their sanctuary for chapel (02:57-06:44). A pastor of Wake Forest Baptist reads Genesis 18:9-15, and he gives a word of prayer (06:45-09:14). The pastor preaches a brief sermon comparing the story of Abraham and Sarah and the story of Jesus’ crucifixion, and he says that dark times in Scripture are always followed by deep hope and joy (09:15-19:42).
- Subject:
- Jesus Christ--Crucifixion--Sermons, Sexual abuse victims, and Thanksgiving Day sermons
- Creator:
- Lolley, W. Randall (William Randall), 1931- and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- November 25, 1981
- Resource type:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_William_Randall_Lolley_1981-11-25
- Description:
- • John William Eddins, Jr. was Professor of Theology. The service opens with a word of prayer (00:00-01:07). Eddins leads the audience in a responsive reading and a time of prayer requests (01:08-05:30). He reads from Galatians 2:11-21 (05:31-08:00). Eddins begins his sermon by comparing Paul’s religious transformation to the restoration of the gospel message in the Protestant Reformation (08:01-10:10). He argues that Paul found problems with legalism and antinomianism, and he saw the gospel of righteousness through Christ as the great third option (10:11-13:04). Eddins first question is have we been crucified with Christ, and he says we exchange our obligations with freedom (13:05-16:12). The second question is does Christ live in us, and Eddins says if we love the way Christ loves us, he lives in us (16:13-19:45). The third question is do we live by faith in the Son of God, and Eddins says the answer is if we live by faith, we do not depend upon ourselves for salvation (19:46-21:15). Eddins concludes by stating only the only way to salvation is the way of dependence on Christ’s righteousness (21:16-24:36). Eddins ends the service with a benediction (24:37-25:04).
- Subject:
- Antinomianism, Faith, Justification (Christian theology), and Jesus Christ--Crucifixion--Sermons
- Creator:
- Eddins, John William, Jr. and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- July 29, 1980
- Resource type:
- Audio and Text
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_John_William_Eddins_Jr_1980-07-29