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- Beschreibung:
- John Terrill Wayland was Professor of Christian Education at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. The service begins with a scripture reading (0:00-1:03). After which, the speaker reads Luke 22:24-30 (1:04-2:17). The service continues with a period of singing (2:18-4:01). A prayer is offered (4:02-4:50). Wayland’s message is on the humility and servanthood of Jesus. Wayland begins with an introduction explaining that Jesus came as a servant (4:51-9:30). He demonstrates how Jesus came in humility, and how his audience should duplicate Jesus’s ministry (9:31-19:05). He concludes by challenging his audience to follow Jesus in humility (19:06-19:29).
- Fach:
- Humility and Jesus Christ--Servanthood
- Schöpfer:
- Wayland, John Terrill and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Ort:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Sprache:
- English
- Datum erstellt:
- October 14, 1971
- Ressourcentyp:
- Audio
- Identifikator:
- SEBTS_Chapel_John_Terrill_Wayland_1971-10-14
- Beschreibung:
- Olin Trivette Binkley was the 2nd president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Professor of Christian Sociology and Ethics. The service begins with a prayer (0:00-1:20). After which, the speaker reads a responsive reading (1:21-2:56). Binkley's message is on the foundations of hope and humility. Binkley begins with an introduction concerning hope. (2:57-5:10). Binkley provides two foundations for hope, the redemptive purpose of God and the teachability of man (5:11-6:12). After which, he discusses the roots of humility. The first root is that humility is derived from a sincere devotion to a cause (6:13-12:06). The second root is competence and kindness (12:07-23:04). He concludes by speaking on true appreciation in relation to humility (23:05- 24:14). He closes in prayer (24:15-25:08).
- Fach:
- Hope and Humility
- Schöpfer:
- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Binkley, Olin Trivette, 1908-1999
- Ort:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Sprache:
- English
- Datum erstellt:
- January 5, 1971
- Ressourcentyp:
- Audio
- Identifikator:
- SEBTS_Chapel_Olin_Trivette_Binkley_1971-01-05
- Beschreibung:
- Interview with Graham Weeks discussing interactions with Francis A. Schaeffer (FAS), his teachings and his influence in the world and in Graham's life. Topics of discussion include FAS' humility, his apologetics, not emphasizing denominations for the sake of including everyone in the conversation, the purity of the visible church, and speaking the truth in love
- Fach:
- Humility, Witness bearing (Christianity), and Schaeffer, Francis A. (Francis August)
- Schöpfer:
- Weeks, Graham
- Sprache:
- English
- Datum erstellt:
- September 28, 2016
- Ressourcentyp:
- Audio
- Identifikator:
- 2016.09.28.Schaeffer.Graham_Weeks