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Divine man (Christology)
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- Description:
- David R. Beck was Professor of New Testament and Greek. He opens his sermon with an encounter he had with a statue of Jesus in the belly of Brontosaurus (00:00-03:47). Beck reads from John 12:20-36, and he first says that Greeks addressing Jesus is a trigger point for his ministry showing that the gospel is for the whole world (03:48-08:01). Most Beck’s sermon centers on the ultimate purpose of Jesus’ ministry that the Greek who came to him did not understand, that he was to be the one who would take away their sins (08:02-31:16). Beck ends the service with a word of prayer (31:17-33:06).
- Subject:
- Jesus Christ--Person and offices, Divine man (Christology), and Dinosaurs
- Creator:
- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Beck, David R.
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- November 15, 1995
- Resource type:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_David_R_Beck_1995-11-15
- Description:
- John B. Cobb was the Ingraham Professor of Theology at the Claremont School of Theology. The service begins with a word of prayer (00:00-01:15). John B. Cobb is introduced as the Carver-Barnes Lecturer (01:16-04:07). Cobb’s lecture is entitled “Towards the Christocentric Inclusivism.” He begins his lecture by stating that the posture of Christians should be the seeking of engagement with all truths (04:08-08:10). Cobb’s first point is about inclusive Christology, and he argues that the message of Christ being the center of mankind has been lost in recent centuries (08:11-18:51). Cobb’s second point is that, in both academia and the church, Christ has been separated from other disciplines, and the separation has extended itself into all disciplines (18:52-28:14). Cobb’s third point is a critique of both divided secular and theological education and modern economic theories, and he lays out the biblical principle of unity of humans and creation that runs counter to these theories (28:15-50:03). The service ends with a benediction (50:01-51:14).
- Subject:
- Divine man (Christology), Truth--Religious aspects, Economics, and Dualism (Religion)--Christianity
- Creator:
- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Cobb, John B.
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- November 5, 1985
- Resource type:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Carver-Barnes_Lecture_John_B_Cobb_1985-11-05
- Description:
- Audio quality is very poor. The service begins with a song from the bell choir (00:00-03:01). The speaker delivers a Scripture reading from Philippians 2:3-11, and she gives a word of prayer (03:02-05:26). The chapel speaker delivers a sermonette from Mark 10:17-22 and Philippians 2:3-11, and he contrast two rich young rulers, one of whom is Christ (05:27-13:51). The new student council president is introduced, and the president recognizes all new members of the council (13:52-17:01). The new student council take their oath of office (17:02-19:00). A speaker gives a word of appreciation for the student council (19:01-22:20). The student council president gives a word of reflection (22:21-27:37). The service ends with a word of prayer (27:38-28:06).
- Subject:
- Divine man (Christology), Student government, and Wealth--Religious aspects--Christianity
- Creator:
- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- April 25, 1984
- Resource type:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_Student_Council_1984-04-25
- Description:
- Geoffrey Wainwright was an ordained minister in the British Methodist Church and professor of systematic theology at Duke Divinity School. The service begins with a Scripture reading from Isaiah 53, and the speaker gives an announcement about Tornado relief help (00:00-01:36). The speaker delivers the New Testament reading from Romans 5, and Geoffrey Wainwright is introduced as the chapel speaker (01:37-04:11). Wainwright delivers a sermon giving highlights of how many church traditions celebrate and depict Christ’s incarnation, his death, and his glory (04:12-18:25). The choir sings a song of worship (18:26-19:24). Wainwright delivers three short prayers (19:25-21:27). Wainwright ends the service with the Lord’s Prayer and a benediction (21:28-22:29).
- Subject:
- Divine man (Christology), Incarnation, and Glory of God
- Creator:
- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Wainwright, Geoffrey, 1939-
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- April 10, 1984
- Resource type:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_Geoffrey_Wainwright_1984-04-10
- Description:
- Eric Charles Rust was Professor Emirates of Christian Philosophy at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. The service begins with organ music (00:00-06:04). The speaker gives a word of prayer (06:05-06:57). Eric Charles Rust is introduced as the Page Lecturer, and the title of the lecture is “The Historical Movement in Christological Perspectives” (06:58-09:00). Rust looks at the critical historical interpretation of Scripture, but he argues that Jesus’ incarnation, atonement, and resurrection are real events in history that drive the church to transform the world (09:01-53:36). The service ends with a word of prayer and a benediction (53:37-54:08).
- Subject:
- Divine man (Christology), Bible--Criticism, interpretation, etc., and History of Biblical events
- Creator:
- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Rust, E. C. (Eric Charles), 1910-1991
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- October 6, 1983
- Resource type:
- Audio and Text
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Page_Lecture_Eric_Rust_1983-10-06
- Description:
- Eric Charles Rust was Professor Emirates of Christian Philosophy at The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary. The service begins with organ music, and the speaker gives a word of prayer (00:00-01:05). Eric Charles Rust is introduced as the Page Lecturer (01:06-05:45). Rust begins his lecture by stating his theme of “Baptist Worldview in the Light of Concerns of the Trinity and Christology” (05:46-07:18). In the first part of the lecture, he walks through the Trinity and Christology as it is developed in the Scriptures (07:19-26:30). In the second part of the lecture, Rust describes the development of the Trinity and Christology in church history (26:31-46:22). Rust concludes his lecture with a benediction (46:23-46:48). The service ends with a word of prayer (46:49-47:32).
- Subject:
- Jesus Christ--Person and offices, Divine man (Christology), and Holy Spirit
- Creator:
- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Rust, E. C. (Eric Charles), 1910-1991
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- October 4, 1983
- Resource type:
- Audio and Text
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Page_Lecture_Eric_Rust_1983-10-04
- Description:
- Stephen Neill was an Anglican Bishop of Tirunelveli, India and principal of Wycliffe Hall, Oxford. The service begins with a word of welcome to a Baptist pastor from Poland and a word of prayer (00:00-02:16). Stephen Neill is introduced as the chapel speaker (02:17-03:06). The choir sings a song of worship (03:07-06:57). Neill’s sermon is an exegesis of Philippians 2:1-18, and he warns the audience to not go astray by the sin of selfishness and ambition but focus on Christ always (06:58-24:42). Neill ends the service with a word of prayer and a benediction (24:44-26:03).
- Subject:
- Jesus Christ--Person and offices, Divine man (Christology), and Sin--Christianity--History of doctrines
- Creator:
- Neill, Stephen, 1900-1984 and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- February 3, 1982
- Resource type:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_Stephen_Neill_1982-02-03
- Description:
- Hendrikus Berkhof was professor of Systematic Theology at the University of Leiden. The service begins with a prayer of invocation (00:00-01:22). Hendrikus Berkhof is introduced as the special lecturer (01:23-02:53). Berkhof begins his lecture by giving four problems of the Chalcedonian model of Jesus Christ having two natures in one person, and these four problems are first, the confusion of defining Christ’s personhood, second, the variety of biblical definition of Christ’s nature, third, constant cultural change in viewing human nature and Christ, and fourth, the educational confusion of defining Christ’s personhood (02:54-10:49). Berkhof examines the nature of Jesus in relation to God and to our human nature, and he concludes that Jesus was a human who participated in the divinity of the Father so that the rest of humanity can participate in that same divinity (10:50-30:20). Berkhof speaks briefly about two books written by Catholic theologians that caused a stir in the Vatican, and he says these books give a Christology of Jesus that speak of his death and resurrection as the revelation of God’s word to humanity (30:21-37:26). Berkhof concludes his lecture by speaking about the shift in Christology that is occurring in the late 20th century, and he clarifies his position on Christ over against a static Chalcedonian model (37:27-49:20). The service ends with a benediction (49:21-49:49).
- Subject:
- Jesus Christ--Person and offices, Divine man (Christology), and Nature
- Creator:
- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Berkhof, H. (Hendrikus), 1914-
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- October 21, 1981
- Resource type:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Special_Lecture_Hendrikus_Berkhof_1981-10-21
- Description:
- This message was part of the Conference on Biblical Authority. William Randall Lolley was the 3rd president of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. The conference opens with a word of prayer (00:00-01:24). The speaker gives a brief introduction to the topic of discussion, and he has the audience read from Article 7 of the Abstract of Principles (01:25-06:07). William Randall Lolley is introduced as the conference speaker (06:08-10:03). The choir leads in a song of worship (10:04-13:30). Lolley opens his sermon with a call to seek Jesus who is the word within the word of God (13:31-20:23). He reads from John 1:1-14 and gives a word of prayer (20:24-22:45). Lolley’s sermon centers on John’s description of the person of Jesus, his human nature, his divine nature, and the impact of his ministry (22:46-46:33). Lolley ends the conference with a word of prayer (46:34-47:18).
- Subject:
- Jesus Christ--Person and offices and Divine man (Christology)
- Creator:
- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Lolley, W. Randall (William Randall), 1931-
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- January 30, 1980
- Resource type:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Conference_William_Randall_Lolley_1980-01-30