This item contains photographs from the Welsh Tract Old School Baptist Church. PHBLA-WTOSBC.004a (front) and .004b (back), photographs were contained inside this envelope; PHBLA-WTOSBC.004c (front) and .004d (back); PHBLA-WTOSBC.004e (front) and .004f (back); PHBLA-WTOSBC.004g (front) and .004h (back); PHBLA-WTOSBC.004i (front) and .004j (back); PHBLA-WTOSBC.004k (front) and .004l (back); PHBLA-WTOSBC.004m (front) and .004n (back) photograph of London Tract Church.
This collection contains slides documenting the Heimbach family's missionary activity among the Hmong people of Northern Thailand. Work titles within quotation marks were taken from the original slide containers.