- 描述:
- Robin Hadaway was Associate Professor of Missions at Midwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. The interview begins with Hadaway giving the background of his life in ministry and his work with the International Missions Board (00:00-05:10). Hadaway talks about how the change of the Baptist Faith and Message effected the protocol in the IMB, and he shares a few stories about how the changes were received on the mission field (05:11-10:41). Hadaway says that he desired more theological assurance from his missionaries, and he talks about missionaries that left the IMB when the Conservative Resurgence occurred and when the BF&M was updated (10:42-16:51). He states that the main reasons some of his missionaries left the IMB was because they felt that the changes were put into effect without their personal input, and some left because that did not agree with the changes regarding women in ministry (16:52-18:59). Hadaway speaks about Ida Mae Hayes being ordained by her church in Brazil, and he feels mad about the situation because she lied to the IMB and is now pastoring in North Carolina (19:00-29:03). He makes a clarification that Ida Mae Hayes had no authority over pastors in her role as a director of missions in Brazil (29:04-32:09). In the final question of the interview, Hadaway says that he wants the IMB needs to put in place more perimeters regarding single women on the mission field, and he clarifies the statement given by the IMB on Ida Mae Hayes’ retirement (32:10-36:12).
- 学科:
- Missions, Women in church work--Southern Baptist Convention, and Ordination of women
- 创造者:
- Lewis A. Drummond Center for Great Commission Studies
- 语言:
- English
- 创建日期:
- May 14, 2004
- 资源类型:
- Audio
- 识别码:
- Robin Hadaway 14May04_orig_1_1
- 描述:
- James McAtee was a missionary in Indonesia and Myanmar for the International Mission Board. McAtee begins the interview by giving a summary of his call to ministry, and he discusses his time as a missionary in Indonesia (0:00:00-0:16:30). McAtee speaks on the three men who led the International Mission Board during his tenure in Indonesia, and he briefly discusses the differences of each of their mission strategies (0:16:31-0:26:48). McAtee discusses in detail the strategies forged by Presidents Parks and Rankin of putting missionaries in unreached and closed countries, and he says because of this strategy he was able to do mission work in Myanmar and Indonesia (0:26:49-0:34:30). McAtee moves to specifically focus on the strategy the IMB used in Myanmar, and this strategy includes translating the Bible into the native languages and placing churches and biblical materials in unreached areas of the country (0:34:31-0:45:30). McAtee describes the relationship the IMB currently has with the national church of Myanmar (0:45:31-0:51:05). McAtee speaks on the future of evangelism in Myanmar, and he is excited about the prospect of every tribe being reached but knows that there are currently some barriers preventing that reality (0:51:06-0:59:18). The interview ends with McAtee giving a word to seminary students on the prospect of serving the Lord oversees (0:59:19-1:05:14).
- 学科:
- Missions, Strategy, and Church and international organization
- 创造者:
- Lewis A. Drummond Center for Great Commission Studies
- 语言:
- English
- 创建日期:
- April 23, 2004
- 资源类型:
- Audio
- 识别码:
- James McAtee 23Apr04_orig_1_1
- 描述:
- Dr. Avery Willis was the Senior Vice President for Overseas Operations. The interview begins with Dr. Willis giving a background of his call to missions and his life in ministry (00:00-05:47). He briefly speaks on the restructuring of the IMB into regions (05:48-07:34). Dr. Willis defines the “new paradigm” of missions of seeking to find what God is doing in bringing people to saving faith (07:35-09:22). Dr. Willis defines the “cutting edge” in missions as being on edge of lostness, and he argues why they IMB needed to be restructured to focus on people groups and to get more laymen involved in missions (09:23-13:45). Dr. Willis defines the difference between “harvest field” and “unreached,” and this is reflected in the move towards looking at people groups rather than nations (13:46-15:13). He believes that there is a biblical mandate to reach everybody including both categories of the “harvest fields” and the “unreached” (15:14-16:09). Dr. Willis speaks on the how the funding for resources going towards the evangelization of unreached people groups has gone up over time and mentions how resources and have been shifted specifically for unreached people groups (16:10-19:36). Dr. Willis makes the prediction that a larger percentage of people will be involved in international missions, the third world will be producing more missionaries, and the center of the church will move to the third world by 2010 (19:37-22:20). Dr, Willis’ closing comment is that the church must always be listening to God and discovering his strategy for reaching the unreached, and he believes that today is the great day for mission (22:21-23:52).
- 学科:
- Missions, Reorganization, Ethnic groups, and Evangelistic work
- 创造者:
- Lewis A. Drummond Center for Great Commission Studies
- 语言:
- English
- 创建日期:
- March 8, 2000
- 资源类型:
- Audio
- 识别码:
- Dr. Avery Willis 8Mar00_orig_1_1
- 描述:
- Dr. Cal Guy was the Emeritus Professor of Missions at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. The interview begins with Dr. Guy giving a background of his life in ministry and his interest in missions (00:00-04:23). He speaks about the mission vision of D.A McGavern that emphasizes bringing people to Christ, and he talks about the difficulty McGavern had in getting his books published and his vision to be accepted by evangelicals (04:24-11:16). Dr. Guy then speaks on McGavorn’s influence on his teaching, and he talks about the slow acceptance and implementation of McGavorn’s church growth and mission strategies in the Southern Baptist Convention (11:17-18:44). He points to the clarity of the mission strategy of the SBC as being connected to McGavorn’s influence (18:45-23:56). Dr. Guy believes that McGavern’s influence was a seed that flourished into the modern mission strategy of Southern Baptists, though there are now other components that did not originate with McGavern (23:57-26:30). Dr. Guy gives a final word praising the Lord for the opportunity he has had to train and recruit future missionaries (26:31-32:07).
- 学科:
- Missions, Church growth, and Methods (Gospel)
- 创造者:
- Lewis A. Drummond Center for Great Commission Studies
- 语言:
- English
- 创建日期:
- April 8, 1998
- 资源类型:
- Audio
- 识别码:
- 01 Dr. Cal Guy 8Apr98_orig_1_1
- 描述:
- Audio is low quality. Dr. Michael Stroope was a Southern Baptist area director of missions in Sri Lanka. The interview begins with Stroope giving the details of his background and call to missions, and he talks about the influences that shaped his own theology and ethos of missions (0:00:00-0:0:18:17). Stroope speaks about the vision of his work as area director of missions in Sri Lanka, and he describes the administrative day to day operations on the field and how it fit his missions ethos (0:18:18-0:37:53). Stroope says that his model for missions prohibited the establishment of western institutions such as schools and conventions to not hinder indigenous church growth, and he defines the strategy his team used to enter a country or region and how they engaged the indigenous population (0:37:54-1:00:57). Stroope speaks about how the missionaries leveraged resources on the field through multiple sources, and he describes the reasons why the International Mission Board (IMB) restructured their mission strategy (1:00:58-1:10:56). Stroope speaks about the need of training missionaries by starting with the basics to avoid bad thinking and theological reasoning on the field, and he says that he is hopeful that Southern Baptist will be motivated to use the best and most biblical strategy to reach the nations with the gospel in the future. He also believes that the IMB will be less centralized and focused more on cooperation in the future (1:10:57-1:18:46). The interview concludes with Stroope stating that Southern Baptist must hold on to their distinctive while at the same time prioritizing the biblical mandate, and part of this priority means guarding the autonomy of indigenous churches (1:18:47-1:26:51).
- 学科:
- Indigenous church administration, Missions, and Sociology--Fieldwork
- 创造者:
- Lewis A. Drummond Center for Great Commission Studies
- 语言:
- English
- 创建日期:
- February 25, 1998
- 资源类型:
- Audio
- 识别码:
- Dr. Michael Stroope 25Feb98_orig_1_1
- 描述:
- This book provides an overview the work and ministries of North Carolina Baptists in the year 1923. It was written by leaders of the convention's organizations and published by the State Mission Board of the North Carolina Baptist State Convention.
- 学科:
- Baptist State Convention of North Carolina, Woman's Missionary Union of North Carolina, and Baptist State Convention of North Carolina. Board of Missions
- 创造者:
- Baptist State Convention of North Carolina. Board of Missions
- 位置:
- Raleigh (N.C.)
- 语言:
- English
- 创建日期:
- 1923
- 资源类型:
- Text
- 识别码:
- BX6248.N6_B3_1923
- 描述:
- This correspondence from Robert D. Haack to W. J. Berry includes thanks for W. J. Berry's assistance with research and clarification on information regarding certain Primitive Baptist churches including Bryn Zion, Duck Creek, and Welsh Tract. Included is an excerpt from a writing by George L. Caley on Bryn Zion church.
- 学科:
- Welsh Tract Old School Baptist Church, Duck Creek Primitive Baptist Church, Bryn Zion Primitive Baptist Church, and Welsh Tract Church (New Castle County, Del.)
- 创造者:
- Robert D. Haack
- 位置:
- Houston (Tex.) and Elon College (N.C.)
- 语言:
- English
- 创建日期:
- Undated
- 资源类型:
- Text
- 识别码:
- 描述:
- This letter is addressed to the Welsh Tract Old School Baptist Church from a member of the church expressing his reasons for moving to a Lutheran church. The letter is unsigned.
- 学科:
- Welsh Tract Old School Baptist Church and Welsh Tract Church (New Castle County, Del.)
- 创造者:
- Unknown
- 语言:
- English
- 创建日期:
- February 22, 1956
- 资源类型:
- Text
- 识别码:
- 描述:
- This article discusses the recent painting of Welsh Tract Church completed by local artist, George W. Griffin.
- 学科:
- Welsh Tract Old School Baptist Church and Welsh Tract Church (New Castle County, Del.)
- 创造者:
- Unkown
- 位置:
- Delaware
- 语言:
- English
- 创建日期:
- Undated
- 资源类型:
- Text
- 识别码:
- 描述:
- The newspaper article shares the history of the Welsh Tract Church and that Reese Ryddarcks, possibly an officer of Oliver Cromwell's army, is buried in the church's graveyard. These two clippings were separated by item .008 in the physical collection but were combined because they appear to be from the same article.
- 学科:
- Welsh Tract Old School Baptist Church, Cromwell, Oliver, 1599-1658, and Welsh Tract Church (New Castle County, Del.)
- 创造者:
- Unkown
- 位置:
- Wilmington (Del.)
- 语言:
- English
- 创建日期:
- Undated
- 资源类型:
- Text
- 识别码: