This collection documents the lives of Norman F. Williamson Sr., his wife, Fannie Lee McCall Williamson, and their son, Norman F. Williamson Jr., as they lived and served as Southern Baptist Missionaries in Japan from 1918-1937. The majority of the collection is photographic prints but there are also two Bibles, a 1911 Mercer University yearbook, and correspondence and accounts of the Williamsons' experiences as Southern Baptist Missionaries in Japan. The main subject of this collection is the missionary work of the Williamson family in Japan. Other subjects include Japanese culture and religion, Williamson family life, Williamson family activities while on furlough, and the Foreign Mission Board and Women's Missionary Union.
The John D. Wood, Sr. sermon collection is comprised of audio recordings of messages and sermons created or collected by Elder John D. Wood, Sr. The sermons are taken from a number of Biblical texts and cover a variety of topics. Though Primitive Baptists do not believe in formal ordination of their ministers, Elder Wood was a well-known and respected speaker in the Primitive Baptist community. The majority of these sermons fall between 1956-1979.