- Beschreibung:
- Vann DuWayne Battle was a SEBTS student. The service begins with piano music (00:00-02:40). The speaker gives a word of prayer, and she reads from Matthew 11:2-6 (02:41-05:20). A student sings a song of worship (05:21-09:57). Battle begins his sermon with a joke about a woman who was insulted during a train ride (09:58-12:45). Battle’s sermon is about faith and doubt with his passage being Matthew 11:2-6, and he says that followers of Christ should not try to form Jesus to their preconceived expectation. Rather, they should accept and embrace the Christ who has come to redeem the world (12:46-31:56). Battle ends the service with a word of prayer (31:57-32:58).
- Fach:
- Jesus Christ--Person and offices, Expectation (Psychology)--Religious aspects--Christianity, and Redemption--Christianity
- Schöpfer:
- Battle, Vann DuWayne and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Ort:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Sprache:
- English
- Datum erstellt:
- March 10, 1982
- Ressourcentyp:
- Audio
- Identifikator:
- SEBTS_Chapel_Vann_DuWayne_Battle_1982-03-10