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- Descrizione:
- Brenda Kneece was student of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. The service begins with a word of prayer and a responsive reading from 1 Corinthians 13 (00:00-03:14). The choir sings a song of worship (03:15-06:22). Kneece sermon is about calling, and she describes calling as God loving and using ordinary people to love and do extraordinary ministry (03:15-18:36).
- Soggetto:
- Vocation, Lay ministry, and Love--Religious aspects--Christianity
- Creatore:
- Kneece, Brenda and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Luogo:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Lingua:
- English
- data di creazione:
- 11 novembre 1982
- Tipo di risorsa:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_Brenda_Kneece_1982-11-11
- Descrizione:
- Sara Ann Hobbs was the Director of the Division of Missions for the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina. The service begins with a responsive reading (00:00-01:10). The speaker gives a word of prayer (01:11-05:10). Sara Ann Hobbs is introduced as the chapel speaker (05:11-07:00). The choir sings a song of worship (07:01-11:21). Hobbs’ sermon is about being called to ministry, and she says that the call of God is relational, a daily response, and does not require location or preconditions (11:22-24:27). Hobbs ends the service with a word of prayer (24:28-25:00).
- Soggetto:
- Women in church work--Southern Baptist Convention, Location, and Church work
- Creatore:
- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Hobbs, Sara Ann
- Luogo:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Lingua:
- English
- data di creazione:
- 10 novembre 1982
- Tipo di risorsa:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_Sara_Ann_Hobbs_1982-11-10
- Descrizione:
- This forum was part of the Ministry with the Small Rural Church Workshop. Quentin Lockwood was Director of the Rural Missions Department of the Home Mission Board. Robert E. Wiley Robert E. Wiley was Associates Director of the Rural Missions Department in the Associational Missions Division of the Home Mission Board. Sara Ann Hobbs was the Director of the Division of Missions for the Baptist State Convention of North Carolina. The forum begins with introduction from all the speakers and the students participating (0:00:00-0:09:46). The moderator opens the forum for questions and topics for discussion, and he gives an opening talk about the importance of the church (0:09:47-0:16:55). Throughout most of the forum, the speakers and students discuss various topics of which include the definition of a small church, the needs of small churches, and the future of small churches (0:16:56-1:59:21). The conversation begins to wrap up, and the moderator thanks everyone for coming and contributing to the forum (1:59:22-2:02:23).
- Soggetto:
- Church renewal, Small churches, and Rural clergy
- Creatore:
- Wiley, Robert E., Lockwood, Quentin, Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, and Hobbs, Sara Ann
- Luogo:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Lingua:
- English
- data di creazione:
- 2 novembre 1982
- Tipo di risorsa:
- Text and Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Conference_Forum_1982-11-02
- Descrizione:
- This message was part of the Ministry with the Small Rural Church Workshop. Robert E. Wiley was Associates Director of the Rural Missions Department in the Associational Missions Division of the Home Mission Board. Wiley begins his lecture by sharing some book resources for the audience, and he lays out the topics that he will be lecturing on over the next few days (00:00-08:12). Wiley’s lecture is about the changes in society bringing the rural and urban worlds closer together, and he walks through how one brings change to small rural churches where change is a difficult process (08:13-50:35). Wiley concludes his lecture by once again bringing attention to the book resources on cultural church change (50:36-51:12).
- Soggetto:
- Rural-urban divide, Social change, and Rural churches--United States
- Creatore:
- Wiley, Robert E. and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Luogo:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Lingua:
- English
- data di creazione:
- 2 novembre 1982
- Tipo di risorsa:
- Text and Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Conference_Robert_E_Wiley_1982-11-02
- Descrizione:
- This message was part of the Ministry with the Small Rural Church Workshop. Quentin Lockwood was Director of the Rural Missions Department of the Home Mission Board. The conference begins with Lockwood introducing himself, and he gives the title of his lecture, “The Call of the Small” (00:00-00:48). Lockwood begins his lecture with the subject of calling, and he reminds the audience that the call of God comes to people regardless of location or size of service (00:49-05:45). Lockwood moves the subject of “small,” and he lays out the demographic numbers of Southern Baptist churches across America (05:46-09:30). Lockwood gives six factors on the size of churches, and the first is knowing everyone in the congregation, the second is the relationships among members, the third is the transiency of pastors, the fourth is financial resources, the fifth is the pastor’s workload, and the sixth is congregational leadership (09:31-20:35). Lockwood speaks about the many advantages of being a small church pastor throughout the rest of his lecture (20:36-47:05).
- Soggetto:
- Sociology, Rural--Religious aspects--Christianity, Church renewal--Southern Baptist Convention, and Rural churches
- Creatore:
- Lockwood, Quentin and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Luogo:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Lingua:
- English
- data di creazione:
- 2 novembre 1982
- Tipo di risorsa:
- Text and Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Conference_Quentin_Lockwood_1982-11-02
- Descrizione:
- This message was part of the Ministry with the Small Rural Church Workshop. Selz Cabot Mayo was an emeritus professor from North Carolina State University. The lecture begins with Mayo introducing himself, and he states that his lecture will be divided into two parts (00:00-01:00). In the first part of the lecture, Mayo discusses the changing statistics of rural and urban population growth, education, life expectancy, and cost of living over the past ten years (01:01-31:58). In the second part of the lecture, Mayo discusses the changes in the culture, specifically the fact that pastors know their parishioners less than they did in years past (31:59-43:13). Mayo opens for comments, observations, and questions (43:14-46:31).
- Soggetto:
- Rural-urban migration, U.S. states--Population, and Social change
- Creatore:
- Mayo, Selz C. (Selz Cabot), 1915-1983 and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Luogo:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Lingua:
- English
- data di creazione:
- 2 novembre 1982
- Tipo di risorsa:
- Text and Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Conference_Selz_Cabot_Mayo_1982-11-02
- Descrizione:
- Richard Albert Spencer was Associate Professor of New Testament. The service begins with a word of prayer (00:00-01:45). Spencer reads from Philippians, chapters 2 & 3 (01:46-03:49). The choir sings a song of worship (03:50-07:20). Spencer begins his sermon with the story of his faith journey, and he states that he wants to speak about the deeper meaning of calling in the Christian life (07:21-13:52). Spencer explains five types of calling, and they are the call into being, the call to repentance, the call to faith, the call to be perfect, and the call to be God’s word to others (13:53-23:58). Spencer ends the service with a word of prayer (23:59-24:53).
- Soggetto:
- Repentance--Christianity, Christian life, and Faith
- Creatore:
- Spencer, Richard A. (Richard Albert) and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Luogo:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Lingua:
- English
- data di creazione:
- 9 novembre 1982
- Tipo di risorsa:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_Richard_Albert_Spencer_1982-11-09
- Descrizione:
- William G. Benton was a Master of Divinity student. The service begins with a word of prayer (00:00-01:40). A student sings a song of worship (01:41-05:10). Benton begins his sermon with Scripture readings from Exodus 34:29-32 and John 12:20-26 (05:11-08:04). Benton shares the stories of many saints through history who displayed the radiance of God’s glory, and he says that Christian can display this same glory only through God who gives them the strength (08:05-24:08). The service ends with a word of prayer (24:09-24:35).
- Soggetto:
- Glory of God and Hagiography
- Creatore:
- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Benton, William G.
- Luogo:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Lingua:
- English
- data di creazione:
- 28 ottobre 1982
- Tipo di risorsa:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_William_G_Benton_1982-10-28
- Descrizione:
- Debra Griffis-Woodberry was the Minster of Education at Ridge Road Baptist Church in Raleigh, NC. The service begins with the reading of the Greatest Commandment from Matthew 22 and a word of prayer (00:00-02:12). Bob Richardson introduces himself, and Debra Griffis-Woodberry is introduced as the chapel speaker (02:13-05:19). Griffis-Woodberry delivers the Scripture reading from Micah 6:6-8 and Mark 9:2-8 (05:20-07:50). The choir sings the anthem (07:51-14:03). Griffis-Woodberry seeks to answer the questions of whether Jesus Christ and the church are relevant in today’s world, and she observes that Christian tend to either use their identity as a protection or compartmentalize their lives away from the world (14:04-26:18). Griffis-Woodberry concludes her sermon with the story of the Mount of Transfiguration, and she says that Christians should not make the same mistake as Peter who sought to stay on the mountain (26:19-32:41). The service ends with a benediction (32:42-33:11).
- Soggetto:
- Witness bearing (Christianity), Relevance, and Jesus Christ--Transfiguration
- Creatore:
- Griffis-Woodberry, Debra and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Luogo:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Lingua:
- English
- data di creazione:
- 27 ottobre 1982
- Tipo di risorsa:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_Debra_Griffis-Woodberry_1982-10-27
- Descrizione:
- Napier Baker was an educator a part of the Clinical Pastoral Education Center. The service begins with a responsive reading and a word of prayer (00:00-01:32). Dean Morris Ashcraft welcomes guest of Clinical Pastoral Education Centers, and Napier Baker is introduced as the chapel speaker (01:33-04:50). The choir sings a song of worship (04:51-09:17). Baker begins his sermon by reading from Numbers 11 and Luke 4 (09:18-11:34). Baker speaks about the foundations and expectations of ministry, and he says that each person come to the ministry with their own unique heritage, their struggles, their affirmations, and their expectations (11:35-23:16). The service ends with a word of prayer (23:17-23:55).
- Soggetto:
- Struggle--Religious aspects--Christianity, Church work, and Role expectation
- Creatore:
- Baker, Napier and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Luogo:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Lingua:
- English
- data di creazione:
- 26 ottobre 1982
- Tipo di risorsa:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_Napier_Baker_1982-10-26