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- Description:
- This service was organized by the Student Coordinating Council. The service begins with an introduction and prayer, followed by scripture reading beginning at 1:10. At 3:39, a speaker gives instructions for a time of meditation. At 4:31, another speaker reads letters of gratitude to the Southeastern community. A brief message begins at 6:43 on the subject of Southeastern as a Christian academic community.
- Creator:
- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- January 20, 1967
- Resource type:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_Student_Coordinating_Council_1967-01-20
- Description:
- Albert Clayton Reid was Visiting Professor of Philosophy of Religion. This service begins with an announcement at 0:00, followed by a prayer at 1:33. At 3:46, there is a scripture reading from Matthew 10:37-39, followed by a song. The message begins at 9:54, with the subject of the qualifications of responding to the invitation to follow Jesus.
- Subject:
- Bible. Matthew
- Creator:
- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Reid, Albert Clayton, 1894-1988
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- January 24, 1967
- Resource type:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_Albert_Clayton_Reid_1967-01-24
- Description:
- John Link was a student at SEBTS. The service opens with the hymn, “God of Grace, God of Glory” from 0:00-0:52. Opening remarks are given from 1:15-3:30. A responsive reading takes place from 3:39-5:19. A prayer is followed from 5:29-7:49. Music plays from 7:55-10:04. An introduction to the speaker is offered from 10:11-10:48. Mr. Link speaks from 10:58-30:30. Closing music plays from 30:32-30:52.
- Creator:
- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Link, John
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- January 26, 1967
- Resource type:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_John_Link_1967-01-26
- Description:
- James H. Blackmore was Special Instructor in New Testament and Director of Public Relations. The service starts with opening remarks from 0:00-1:09. A prayer is offered from 1:12-2:15. Instrumental music plays from 2:16-4:00. An introduction to the speaker is given from 4:08-5:05. Dr. Blackmore speaks from 5:10-18:40. His topic was on temptations that shepherds must overcome.
- Creator:
- Blackmore, James H. and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- January 31, 1967
- Resource type:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_James_H_Blackmore_1967-01-31
- Description:
- John Terrill Wayland was Professor of Religious Education. The service starts with an opening prayer from 0:00-1:00. “A Sinner’s Confession” is read from 1:09-2:55. Music plays from 3:06-8:26. A prayer is offered from 8:40-9:47. Wayland leads a responsive reading from 10:25-11:41. He closes in prayer from 11:48-16:05.
- Creator:
- Wayland, John Terrill and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- February 8, 1967
- Resource type:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_John_Terrill_Wayland_1967-02-08
- Description:
- Wilbur Hunnicutt was pastor of First Baptist Church in Valdese, NC. The service opens with scripture reading and prayer from 0:00-3:30. Acts 1:1-8 is read 3:32-5:06. Dr. Hunnicutt is introduced from 5:09-7:25. Hunnicutt speaks from 7:28-21:51. Rev. Hunnicutt preaches a message on the gospel and the Great Commission.
- Subject:
- Bible. Acts, Bible. Acts 1, and Missions
- Creator:
- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Hunnicutt, Wilbur
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- February 15, 1967
- Resource type:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_Wilbur_Hunnicutt_1967-02-15
- Description:
- Walter Waldrop was on the Sunday School Board. The service begins with an opening scripture reading and music from 0:00-0:33. A prayer is offered from 0:40-4:57. An introduction to the speaker is given from 5:00-6:06. Waldrop speaks from 6:08-28:25. He preaches on Christ and the mission of the Church.
- Creator:
- Waldrop, Walter and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- February 24, 1967
- Resource type:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_Walter_Waldrop_1967-02-24
- Description:
- The service opens with an announcement of apparent dishonest actions that has taken place in the student body from 0:00-3:55. A prayer is offered from 4:06-4:38. An introduction to the student led chapel service happens from 4:45-5:02. Music plays from 5:09-8:00. A prayer is offered from 8:18-12:42. Romans 2:1-11 is read and a prayer is offered again from 12:58-17:59. This service was organized by the Student Coordinating Council.
- Creator:
- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- March 3, 1967
- Resource type:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_Student_Coordinating_Council_1967-03-03
- Description:
- Vance Vernon was from the Church Administration Department of the Baptist Sunday School Board. The service begins with an introduction to the speaker from 0:00-1:30. Rev. Vernon speaks from 1:33-21:10. His message is centered on missions and the church’s responsibility.
- Subject:
- Missions
- Creator:
- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Vernon, Vance
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- April 5, 1967
- Resource type:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_Vance_Vernon_1967-04-05
- Description:
- J. H. Crum was from the North Carolina Council of Churches. The service opens with an introduction to the speaker from 0:00-2:21. Dr. Crum speaks from 2:28-26:37. Crum preaches on the importance of preaching and Christian conduct.
- Subject:
- Preaching
- Creator:
- Crum, J. H. and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- April 6, 1967
- Resource type:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_J_H_Crum_1967-04-06
- Description:
- Sam James was a missionary to Vietnam. The service begins with an opening scripture reading from 0:00-1:33. A prayer is offered from 1:34-2:37. An announcement and introduction to the speaker is given from 2:59-7:56. The Seminary’s anthem is sung from 8:08-12:34. Rev. James speaks from 12:43-41:31. James shares personal stories of his work in the mission field. A public recognition of missionaries in attendance of the chapel service is given from 41:47-47:01. Music plays from 47:02-48:08.
- Subject:
- Missions and Missions, Vietnam
- Creator:
- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and James, Sam
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- April 12, 1967
- Resource type:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_Sam_James_1967-04-12
- Description:
- Lamar Judson Brooks was the pastor of Trinity Baptist Church in Raleigh, NC. The service starts with an introduction to the speaker from 0:00-1:57. Rev. Brooks speaks from 2:11-25:52. He preaches on qualities ministers need to have when they are in the ministry. This service is the second of four centered on the theme, “The Christian Ministry As I See It Today.”
- Subject:
- Ministry
- Creator:
- Brooks, Lamar Judson and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- April 14, 1967
- Resource type:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_Lamar_Judson_Brooks_1967-04-14
- Description:
- Allen Shark was from Atlantic Christian College. The service begins with an opening scripture reading and music from 0:00-1:18. A responsive reading takes place from 1:24-3:53. A prayer is offered from 3:54-6:04. An introduction to the speaker is given from 6:07-6:53. Dr. Shark speaks from 7:01-28:02. His subject is entitled, “The Demands of the Ministry.” His source text was 2 Corinthians 6:3-10.
- Subject:
- Bible. 2 Corinthians and Bible. 2 Corinthians 6
- Creator:
- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Shark, Allen
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- April 18, 1967
- Resource type:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_Allen_Shark_1967-04-18
- Description:
- Nicolas Zernov was a visiting professor from Duke Divinity School in Durham, NC. The service begins with the opening reading of scripture from 0:00-0:40. A prayer is offered from 0:45-3:44. An introduction to the speaker is given from 3:47-6:32. Dr. Zernov speaks from 6:44-21:21. His sermon is on the topic of the state of the eastern church and prayer.
- Subject:
- Prayer and Church
- Creator:
- Zernov, Nicolas and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- April 20, 1967
- Resource type:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_Nicolas_Zernov_1967-04-20
- Description:
- Marion Powell was president of the North Carolina chapter of the Southeastern Seminary Alumni Association. The service opens with an announcement and song from 0:00-1:08. A responsive reading takes place from 1:20-3:30. A prayer is offered from 3:32-6:04. An introduction to the speaker is given from 6:07-6:47. The choir sings a special song from 6:50-8:59. Dr. Powell speaks from 9:09-31:11. He preaches on the importance of worship.
- Creator:
- Powell, Marion and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- April 21, 1967
- Resource type:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_Marion_Powell_1967-04-21
- Description:
- Raymond Bryan Brown was Academic Dean and Professor of New Testament Interpretation. The service starts with an opening word of prayer from 0:00-0:33. All those in attendance are welcomed to the first chapel of the new semester from 0:51-2:04. Music plays from 2:13-7:00. Dr. Brown speaks from 7:17-18:51. His source text was Jeremiah 9:23-24. He preaches on the knowledge of God.
- Subject:
- Bible. Jeremiah and Bible. Jeremiah 9
- Creator:
- Brown, Raymond Bryan and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Location:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Language:
- English
- Date Created:
- September 20, 1967
- Resource type:
- Audio
- Identifier:
- SEBTS_Chapel_Raymond_Bryan_Brown_1967-09-20