- Beschreibung:
- Dr. Edwin Luther Copeland was Visiting Professor of Missions at SEBTS. This chapel address was presented during the Spring 1989 Convocation. In this message, Dr. Copeland's subject was "Three Particular Areas in which the Unitive Mission of Christ Uniquely Intersects with the Intellectual Mission of Theological Education." Dr. Copeland says that Western secular culture, religious pluralism, and the inner division of Christianity are major challenges in this area.
- Fach:
- Christianity and other religions, Secularism, Religious education, Theological seminaries, and Religious pluralism
- Schöpfer:
- Copeland, E. Luther, 1916-2011 and Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary
- Ort:
- Wake Forest (N.C.)
- Sprache:
- English
- Datum erstellt:
- January 17, 1989
- Ressourcentyp:
- Audio
- Identifikator:
- SEBTS_Convocation_Edwin_Luther_Copeland_1989-01-17