Reuel L. Howe was a professor of pastoral theology and founder of the Institute for Advanced Pastoral Studies in Bloomfield Hills, MI. Howe opens for questions from the audience (00:00-00:29). The first question is about how God uses calling for spiritual formation (00:30-04:35). The second question is about the student and teacher relationship in educational formation, and a conversation begins about cross-cultural teaching and the subject of doubt (04:36-25:36). The third question is about dealing with anger and defensive responses from students (25:37-32:16). The fourth question is about the importance of dialogue in counseling (32:17-41:11). The final question is about the adequacy of initial calling by God (41:12-47:28).
William P. Clemmons was Associate Professor of Christian Education. The service begins with piano music (00:00-05:02). The speaker gives a word of prayer (05:03-06:30). President Randall Lolley introduces the Spring Conference, and he says that the theme for this year’s conference is “Church Education for the 80s” (06:31-13:36). Bruce Powers introduces the speakers for the Spring Conference (13:37-17:11). A speaker reads Matthew 7:24-27, and a woman sings a song of worship (17:12-20:34). The service ends with a benediction (20:35-21:07).
Olin Trivette Binkley was the 2nd President of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and Professor of Christian Sociology and Ethics. The service begins with a prayer (0:00-2:37). After which, the speaker reads a responsive reading (2:28-4:55). The service continues with a period of singing (4:56-7:49). Binkley’s message is on theological education. Binkley begins by discussing why it is very difficult to identify trends in theological education (7:50-10:49). Despite the difficulties of finding trends, Binkley elaborates on seven aspects of theological education (10:50-21:07). He demonstrates the three intentions of curriculum which are to: establish lifelong habits, encourage the search for knowledge and to provide opportunity for further education (21:08-22:40). He concludes by discussing how Southern Baptists fit into theological education (22:41-26:43). He closes in prayer (26:44-27:10).