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- Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary1,522
- Signs of the Times188
- Tuckaseigee Baptist Association74
- Randolph Baptist Association62
- Senter District Primitive Baptist Association (Ashe County, N.C.)48
- Williamson, Fannie Lee McCall40
- Williamson, Norman F., Sr.39
- Beulah Baptist Association38
- Brushy Mountain Baptist Association36
- Brier Creek Baptist Association30
- Kehukee Primitive Baptist Association26
- Tuckseige Baptist Association (N.C.)26
- Elk River Association of Primitive Baptists24
- Virginia Portsmouth Baptist Association24
- Atlantic Baptist Association (N.C.)23
- Original Mayo Primitive Baptist Association23
- Bethel Primitive Baptist Association (1896)21
- Brushy Creek Union of Primitive Baptists (Ga.)19
- Columbia Baptist Association (Va.)19
- Ketocton Baptist Association18