After a prayer and introduction (start-5:12), Dr. Dale Moody, Professor of Theology at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, preaches on the unity of the Church.
After reading Psalm 95:6-7, a prayer, and an introduction (start-4:22), Claude Fisher Gaddy, the Secretary of the Council of Christian Education for North Carolina Baptists, shares his testimony and passion for Christian education.
Ms. Clarice M. Bowman, Assistant Professor in the Department of Religion at High Point College and an ordained deacon in the Methodist Church, speaks for the second time about worship at a workshop on Music and Religious Education hosted by SEBTS.
After the reading of 1 Peter 2:9, a prayer, announcements, and introductions of the faculty involved (start-10:00), Ms. Clarice M. Bowman, Assistant Professor in the Department of Religion at High Point College and an ordained deacon in the Methodist Church, shares a message about worship entitled, “Our Need, and Mighty Answer” at a workshop in Music and Religious Education hosted by SEBTS.
After the reading of Job 33:3-4, a prayer, a song, and an introduction (start-7:30), Dr. Chester E. Swor, a Southern Baptist lay preacher and lecturer, gives an analogy of a deep well from John 4.
After reading Revelation 3:20 and a prayer (start-2:50), an unknown chaplain shared a message entitled “Jesus Christ is Disturbing” about how impacting the life of Jesus was and still is. and The message from this chapel service was "Jesus Christ is Disturbing," but the speaker is unknown. The message is also labelled as "Chaplain."
After the reading of Proverbs 22:3, a prayer, and an introduction (start-8:42), Dr. C. Stanley Lowell, the Associate Director of Protestants and Other Americans United for the Separation of Church and State, speaks about the ecclesiastical response to Separation of Church and State, and clericalism in the country of Colombia (8:43-36:20). The service concludes with a prayer from Dr. Stealey (36:21-end).
After reading Colossians 3:2-11 and a prayer (start-2:40), Branan G. Thompson, Jr., a student at Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary, reads and applies a poem that asks “Why Are You Here?”
After reading Isaiah 6:3, a prayer, and an introduction (start-4:33), Bill Smith, the Director of Student Work at Duke University, preaches from Luke 6:20-26.
After reading Isaiah 57:15, a prayer, and an introduction (start-6:00), Benjamin Lynes, pastor of Wake Forest Baptist Church, preaches from Luke 18:1-8 and seeks to ask “When the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?”