The Enquiry was a student publication that began in September of 1964. The Student Council produced the publication and it ranged from weekly to monthly issues throughout its history. The Enquiry began as a resource for student discussion on various topics to help facilitate conversations but also included campus announcements and news. The publication ran from 1964 until at least 1995.
Update published its first edition in September 1974 and continued through the spring of 1988. As a monthly publication, it served to provide short summaries for the Southeastern community on recent events, developments, and news pertinent to the school.
Southeastern Servant was produced by the Conservative Evangelical Fellowship student organization with the plan of publishing eight issues throughout the year. The publication included stories of campus ministries and topics of debate at the time. The first issue was published in February of 1985.
Southeastern News was produced by the Office of Public Relations and Communication to provided information for readers regarding the school and events of special interest. News included topics such as special donations to the seminary, new building projects, trustee meetings, news from the Southern Baptist Convention, speakers visiting the seminary, and other interesting occurrences on the campus and among students.