The service begins with a brief word and instrumental music (00:00-01:04), along with prayer (01:05-02:29). The service continues with singing from Mr. Wicker (02:30-06:41). There are three brief announcements given (06:42-08:34), and he invites Mr. Wicker to sing again (08:35-14:55). There is no introduction given for the facilitator, Sydnor Lorenzo Stealey, but he was the first President of Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary. He calls the congregation to sing “On Jordan’s Stormy Banks,” hymn #479 (14:56-19:09), and next Mr. Wicker closes the service by singing “Little Black Lamb” (19:10-23:20). President Stealey ends in prayer (23:21-23:55), and the service closes with singing (23:56-25:00).