- Beschreibung:
- Interview with Dawn Merz discussing interactions with Francis A. Schaeffer (FAS), especially through her relationship with Edith Schaeffer, FAS' books, and the L'Abri ministry. Discussions include Edith Schaeffer as a wife, her faith and character, apologetic approaches of the Schaeffer's, and questioning the faith
- Fach:
- Schaeffer, Edith, L'Abri (Organization), Faith, and Schaeffer, Francis A. (Francis August)
- Schöpfer:
- Merz, Dawn
- Sprache:
- English
- Datum erstellt:
- July 2, 2016
- Ressourcentyp:
- Audio
- Identifikator:
- 2016.07.02.Schaeffer.Merz